Teaching and supervising experience

Teaching experience
- 2021 “Evaluating science (BIO 4920)” (24 hours). Undergraduate degree in Biology - University of Ottawa, Canada (formal lectures).
Invited lectures:
- 2023 “Body shapes and growth: studying the effects of climate change using a long-term dataset” (1.5 hours) for the course “Contemporary Questions in Behavioral Ecology” – Master degree in the Munich Graduate School for Evolution, Ecology & Systematics (EES-LMU), Ludwig-Maximians University of Munich, Germany, held by Prof Niels J. Dingemanse (formal online lecture).
- 2021 “Foraging in winter: Food hoarding under food limitation and climate change” (1 hour) for the course “Winter, Birds and Climate Change: Changes from Community to Molecular Level” – Bachelor degree in Biology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, held by Assistant Prof Suvi Ruuskanen (formal online lecture).
- 2020 “Predator-prey interaction: effects of climate change and habitat fragmentation in the boreal environment” (2 hours) for the course “Animal biological interactions” – Master degree in Biology, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, held by Assistant Prof Andrea Galimberti (formal online lecture).
Teaching assistant:
- 2015 “Zoological Sampling Methods” (40 hours). Master degree in Environmental biology - University of Torino, Italy (field course).
- 2015 “Plant ecophysiology” (60 hours). Master degree in Environmental biology - University of Torino, Italy (laboratories).
Supervising experience
Supervision of Master projects
Monti Spinas. Master thesis - University of Zurich, Switzerland. Thesis: “Body mass changes in relation to weather conditions in Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) nestlings”. Official supervisors: Lukas Keller (University of Zurich), Pierre Bize (Swiss Ornithological Institute).
Bashar Jarayseh. Master internship - University of Munich, Germany. Project: “Long-term effects of early-life developmental conditions in Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba)”. Other co-supervisor: Pierre Bize (Swiss Ornithological Institute).
Supervision of Bachelor/Honours projects
Tanya Li. Honours thesis - University of Ottawa, Canada. “The effect of climate change on the laying date of Alpine swift(Tachymarptis melba)”. Co-supervisors: Julien Martin (University of Ottawa), Michela Dumas (University of Ottawa).
Chris Cameron. Honours thesis - University of Ottawa, Canada. “The impact of individual heterozygosity on longevity and reproductive success in yellow bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventer)”. Main supervisor: Julien Martin (University of Ottawa).
Bernadette Chan. Honours thesis - University of Ottawa, Canada. “Genetic variation of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in wild marmot population (Marmota flaviventer)”. Main supervisor: Julien Martin (University of Ottawa).
Yasmeen Hichri. Honours thesis - University of Ottawa, Canada. “Sexual dimorphism in the Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba)”. Main supervisor: Julien Martin (University of Ottawa). Other co-Supervisor: Michela Dumas (University of Ottawa).
- Guido Marcoz. Bachelor thesis - University of Torino, Italy. “Food hoarding negli uccelli: confronto delle strategie (Food hoarding in birds: comparison of strategies)”. Main supervisor: Dan Chamberlain (University of Torino).