My publication list is pulled automatically from my Google Scholar profile using an R script. If you are interested in an article that is not Open Access, feel free to contact me.
Since 2022 I am archiving data and code used for my publications in my Open Science Framework page. The data and code for the analysis in some of the articles in this page can be found in the Open science tab of my website.
Researcher h-index: 7
Total number of citations: 131
17. MN Dumas, S St. Lawrence, G Masoero, P Bize, JGA Martin (2024) Adult body mass is heritable, positively genetically correlated and under selection of differing shapes between the sexes in a bird with little apparent sexual dimorphism, Journal of Animal Ecology, 93 (5), 567-582, [citations: 1].
16. G Masoero, MN Dumas, JGA Martin, P Bize (2024) Trait‐specific sensitive developmental windows: Wing growth best integrates weather conditions encountered throughout the development of nestling Alpine swifts, Ecology and Evolution, 14 (6), e11491, [citations: 0].
15. G Masoero, KG Gencheva, N Ioset, LF Bersier, F Tettamanti, P Bize (2024) Shrinking Alpine chamois: higher spring temperatures over the last 27 years in Switzerland are linked to a 3 kg reduction in body mass of yearlings, Royal Society Open Science, 11 (3), 231295, [citations: 0].
14. C Battisti, R Ambrosini, G Assandri, R Balestrieri, E Bassi, G Bazzi et al. (2024) Conservation front lines need experienced troops: the role of a scientific trust in a changing world, Avocetta, 48, [citations: 0].
13. E Koivisto, G Masoero, C Morosinotto, E Le Tortorec, E Korpimäki (2024) Conspecific density drives sex-specific spatial wintertime distribution and hoarding behaviour of an avian predator, Ornis Fennica, [citations: 0].
12. L Ilahiane, R Colominas-Ciurò, P Bize, G Boano, M Cucco, M Ferri et al. (2023) Molecular investigation on infection by haemosporidians in three Western Palearctic species of swift (Apodidae) and their ectoparasitic louse flies, Parasitology Research, 122 (8), 1787-1794, [citations: 1].
11. F De Pascalis, B De Felice, M Parolini, D Pisu, D Pala, D Antonioli et al. (2022) The hidden cost of following currents: microplastic ingestion in a planktivorous seabird, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 182, 114030, [citations: 14].
10. D Baroni, G Masoero, E Korpimäki, C Morosinotto, T Laaksonen (2021) Habitat choice of a secondary cavity user indicates higher avoidance of disturbed habitat during breeding than during food-hoarding, Forest Ecology and Management, 483, 118925, [citations: 11].
9. B Class, G Masoero, J Terraube, E Korpimäki (2021) Estimating the long-term repeatability of food-hoarding behaviours in an avian predator, Biology Letters, 17 (7), 20210286, [citations: 3].
8. E Korpimäki, K Hongisto, G Masoero, T Laaksonen (2020) The difference between generalist and specialist: The effects of wide fluctuations in main food abundance on numbers and reproduction of two co‐existing predators, Journal of Avian Biology, 51 (8), [citations: 20].
7. G Masoero, T Laaksonen, C Morosinotto, E Korpimäki (2020) Age and sex differences in numerical responses, dietary shifts, and total responses of a generalist predator to population dynamics of main prey, Oecologia, 192 (3), 699-711, [citations: 20].
6. G Masoero, T Laaksonen, C Morosinotto, E Korpimäki (2020) Climate change and perishable food hoards of an avian predator: Is the freezer still working?, Global Change Biology, 26 (10), 5414-5430, [citations: 11].
5. G Masoero, G Boano, A Tamietti, E Caprio (2019) Proper gravel management may counteract population decline of the Collared Sand Martin Riparia riparia, Avocetta, 43, 139-147, [citations: 4].
4. G Masoero, C Morosinotto, T Laaksonen, E Korpimäki (2018) Food hoarding of an avian predator: sex-and age-related differences under fluctuating food conditions, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, 1-13, [citations: 20].
3. D Baroni, G Masoero (2018) Complex influence of climate on the distribution and body size of an Alpine species, Insect Conservation and Diversity, 11 (5), 435-448, [citations: 2].
2. G Masoero, L Maurino, A Rolando, D Chamberlain (2016) The effect of treeline proximity on predation pressure: an experiment with artificial nests along elevational gradients in the European Alps, Bird Study, 63 (3), 395-405, [citations: 14].
1. G Masoero, A Tamietti, G Boano, E Caprio (2016) Apparent constant adult survival of a Sand Martin Riparia riparia population in relation to climatic variables, Ardea, 104 (3), 253-262, [citations: 7].
Doctoral dissertation
G Masoero (2020) Food hoarding of an avian predator under food limitation and climate change, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, [citations: 1].
B Catitti, D Campobello, G Bazzi, G Masoero, L Campioni (2021) Editorial: Mind the (gender) gap: Prospects and strategies for women's career in ornithology, Avocetta, 45, 3-7, [citations: 0].
Conference papers
G Masoero, A Tamietti, E Caprio (2013) Trend della popolazione di topino Riparia riparia nel Parco del Po e della Collina Torinese, XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia, 4-4, [citations: 2].
E Ivimey-Cook, A Sanchez-Tojar, A Culina, D Roche, I Berberi et al. (2024) The state of code-and data-sharing policies across journals in ecology and evolution, OSF, [citations: 0].